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Release Notes

IXIA hat IxChariot weiterentwickelt. IxChariot ist nun in der Version 9.1 erhältlich. Zu den Hauptneuerungen gehören die folgenden Dinge:
 Version  Highlights Release Herstellerbeschreibung 
  • Video unicast traffic with video-specific statistics
  • Video multicast traffic with video-specific statistics
  • Data multicast traffic
  • Support for hosting the IxChariot Console Server in OpenStacN
  • Optimizations for managing and running tests with a high count of endpoints
  • Pre-defined SNype flow definitions for IM, voice, web and screen sharing
  • Customizable ports for AppMix applications
  • Improved reliability for stopping tests
  • Endpoint for Raspbian OS on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
  • Not Available In IxChariot 9.1
  • GeNiEnd2End does not Support IxChariot 9.1
  • Advanced Script Editor
  • Ixia Chassis support (e.g. 400T2, XM2, XM12, XG12, XGS12)


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